Monday, March 29, 2010

Getting Over the River Canyon

Well the group finally got to the canyon containing a river about 2000 feet below the group. Looking across the 300 yards or so the group could see the central plateau. The party druid changed into a falcon and flew around the plateau and he could not find anyway across until he flew over the causeway to the south. The only problem was that the bridge over the river was broken and the gap was 150 feet across. The group managed to use the spells that the gnomes had for the day to get everyone across the causeway into the jungle. As the group headed inland, they were attacked by a very big demon and barely managed to kill it before it killed some of the party. If this is one of the guardians, the group could be in serious trouble before they even find the ruins.
More to come as we play the last few sessions for the season before we switch back to Birthright for the summer.

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