Thursday, November 27, 2014

Finishing Chapter Twelve

Well the group has spent the last month or so accomplishing a few tasks for their demonic leaders in order to be able to try and finish off their task once and for all. This is to find the master pearl responsible for creating all of the savage pearls and somehow finding a way to destroy it. But first they had to find where this was and they finally found the only entrance to Wat Dagon. The group shocked me by using spells to get right to the entrance but then they allowed themselves to be distracted by the guardians entrenched waiting for them. Instead of heading through the doors, they charged off to attack the demons waiting for them. Now they are on the ropes with only a few of them inside the building. Soon this adventure will finally be over and frankly that can't come soon enough...

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Returning to the Savage Tide

Well the summer sessions of 4th Edition have finished with the group completing the first adventure in the very last session for the year. So when we start up again the group has gone up a level and that will have to be completed.

Now we return to the Savage Tide with the group now waiting for orders after securing the bunker from the demons. They are then ordered to a portal point as something is preventing the massed armies from gating into the area. Once the two spell casters were healed from their afflictions they traveled to an area that had been devastated from a massive attack. In the distance the group could see a ten foot totem planted into the ground. hanging from it were the tattered remnants of the battle standard of one of the Prince of Undead's vaunted legions. As  they advanced they were attacked by the guardian left behind. One of the Prince of Demon's infamous children.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Clearing out the first level

Well the group has finally explored all of the first level and managed to convince Sir Keegan the fallen lord of the keep and he has gifted his famed longsword Aecris to Kara. Then the group found the secret armory and answered the riddle and Kara then was given black-iron scale armor. The group has taken a much needed rest as the group is now 4th level and everyone has gained in bonuses. Now they need to explore the second level to find the evil priest before it is too late.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Playing with Goblins

Well the last session was interesting as I quickly had the group on the ropes as they investigated the lower level of the abandoned keep. The group walked down the stairs and while the rogue skipped around looking down the corridors. Kara the large dragon-born managed to fall down the pit at the base of the stairs and was swarmed by a pack of ravenous rats. Then the goblin snipers started firing at the group from the shadows and they were forced to flee back to the surface with their tails between their legs as they agreed to retreat and try again the next day.

This was much easier than I thought as the group has been easy to distract and once they are separated a little bit easy to gang up on and knock down. Now to see if the group can learn to work together to at least survive.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Switching games for the season

Well the time has come to return to the summer game which is now 4th Edition. After a false start from not playing these rules for 7 months we managed to get through two combat situations in one session and now the group is going to try and spend some of the loot they acquired with only a small settlement to spend it in. Now its time to explore the abandoned keep where a major battle was fought only two decades before. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Assault of Gaping Maw

Well the group just spent the last five sessions of the season opening a beach-head on the shores of Gaping Maw. The group was assisted by a squad of Eladrin who helped in the attack. The fight lasted just over two minutes of game time and the group managed to either kill or drive off the demons guarding the site. But not before the two party mages were feeble-minded by the flying demon above them. The serious fight was with the three six armed Marilith demons that were a handful. Now thankfully we switch to 4th Edition for the rest of the summer and we will return to the Savage Tide Adventure Path will return with the finale in the fall.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Let the Battle Begin

Well the group has now presided over the council of war and the group has been tasked with taking out a bunker on the edge of the ocean so that an Eladrin army can appear and help in the assault of Gaping Maw. Now the battle to take out Demogorgon is about to begin. We have six sessions left before we switch to the summer game which is now 4th Edition and this will happen when the Savage Tide is done for the season to continue in the fall. I will try my damnedest to take out the party seeing as once the battle starts it won't stop until Demogorgon or the party is dead.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Finally the Last Chapter

Well the group has finally finished off gathering their allies for the war to come but first they need to get all their new found friends together for a council of war. This might be easier said than done as the only place they may be able to hold a meeting will be Sigil and this brings up another series of problems with the group leader, Adla the Lumi Crusader as she fled Sigil over a year ago to get away from her master. There is still another surprise to come before the council happens. I am just waiting for the right time and place. More to come...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Finishing Off the 11th Chapter

 Well the group has surprised me by managing to capture the aspect of a demon lord but not before the group took some serious damage and in fact the group had to use one of the wishes remaining in the ring in order to save the party healer from being consumed by raw chaos. It was a close thing but they managed to get in and out of the supply depot before the guardians even realized that they were there. Now that they have another piece of the puzzle they are headed to try and meet with one of Demogorgon's generals to try and turn him to their side. They have arrived just outside the base of operations of one of Demogorgon's favored legions. This means that the group will have to deal with thousands of demons if things go wrong. The next session should finally get the group to the last chapter, the actual invasion of the Gaping Maw, Demogorgon's home plane in the Abyss.
  Things are getting interesting as the groups travels along the River Styx have been noticed and other beings are starting to take note including the Prince of Demons himself. I am actually looking forward to finishing off this mega-adventure that has taken seven years to play out. The Savage Tide will finish for the season in two months so I am anxious to see how far along we are at the break.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Follow the River Styx

Well the group has spent the last few months using their new found ability to sail the Styx in order to gain new allies in and out of the Abyss. They have managed to get the agreement of the Prince of Undead himself, Lord Orcus. Then they managed to find the Eladrin from the Court of Stars and gained their favor after killing a legendary dragon but not before losing two members of the group to the dragon's disintegrate spell. One was returned to the living but the party wizard underwent a transformation when he was returned as a drow elf sorcerer but with the wizard's memories so things have gone strange for the group. Then they managed to get the Queen of Seductions to help also as they continued their journey. Now they have a minor artifact to use in capturing an aspect of a demon lord for further use. Things are rapidly coming to a head with one more part to go until we get to the last chapter.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

First post of the Year

  Well the group has been gaming away during the holiday season and it has been getting very interesting. They have come up with a plan, they think and are now jaunting across the multiverse trying to gain allies in their upcoming battle with the Prince of Demons. So far they have gain valuable knowledge from the fabled Witch Queen of the Abyss but the group has had to sell their souls so to speak to gain her trust. Then they dealt with the Demon Prince of Undead on his own plane and that was very tough indeed. They managed to get the Prince to agree to start building up his fabled legions to assault Gaping Maw itself.
  Now they are climbing around the fabled World's Tree in order to slay Redfang, a fabled Linnorm Dragon who has fed on many of the inhabitants from the Court of Stars. If they managed this they gain another ally in their fight and then they will have to try to contact another demon Lord but in this case it is the fabled demoness known for her seductive powers of persuasion. Then they will still have a few more to gain before the group heads into the last chapter of the Adventure Path and this will finally be done...