Monday, January 29, 2007

End of the Temple of Elemental Evil

Well the group kept exploring after finishing off the vampire and finally encountered the cleric who was in charge of the Outer Fane. He attacked them when they started destroying an unholy font. Galius managed to charge and attack him but not before he had cast confusion on the group making two of the party attack each other. As one of them was a rogue, he managed to knock out the Elf Paladin before falling himself. the spells were flying fast and furious for a few moments before the Elder earth elemental arrived to help his master. This turned the tide when the flame spells started flying back and forth. Galius and Mari used the sticks of recall to get away after Magnus and Justin were scorched by the flames.
Mari and Galius were escorted to the outside doors by they rogue cleric but they watched him get incinerated by flames as they fled. Thus the end of the Temple has come.

Next is the Savage Tide Adventure Path from Paizo Publishing, web, The group is now deciding what characters they are going to create for the next adventure. I am allowing them to create just about any thing to start with. Now that we are switching to the newest version of 3.5. One of the players would like to play a half-ogre Monk. So it sounds intriguing. The new group will be posted on my web site as the game develops.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dealing with the Outer Fane

Well it has been a while since I added anything. Mainly because we took a six week break over the holidays and played Republic of Rome once. The game has changed considerably since my last post as Tov Gruulander broke a game and house record by being killed and revived twice before his final death at the hands of the annis hag. She literally tore him apart with her claws. Boy do I like using creatures that can rend. This was the last straw for the player and he declared that Tov was gone for good. Luckily they rescued an NPC elven paladin and he has agreed to play her for a while.

The next encounter took out the newest edition to the group, Keb the gnome monk lasher. They encountered a vampire in his lair and he decimated the group before they finally killed him.Keb was drained of life while Galius and Justin were drained two levels each. I am sure that they will get the levels back but they have to wait a day. The group is now down to four players and an NPC. But on the good side they have removed about two thirds of the encounters here. The nice thing is the group is now looking favorably on the next game to start up as we will be switching to 3.5 and I want to run the latest Dungeon magazine Adventure Path from Paizo Publishing called the Savage Tide.I am happy to see the return of the Isle of Dread after all this time.