Thursday, November 07, 2013

Playing with Demon Lords

     The group has managed to do the unthinkable and that is to release a prisoner from the Wells of Darkness. The group was able to negotiate with Ahazu the Seizer, lord of the Wells and have agreed to replace the Demoness with another creature of equal power within 60 days. After releasing her and getting the information required the group was then forced to deal with another trap set by the Prince of Demons. This was a rupture in the Abyss that caused a rupture in the Layers that caused the River Styx to pour into the Wells of Darkness causing most of the group to lose the last eight hours of memory while that had to find more guardians sent by their master. They overcame these demons and moments later a strange fog billowed out from the water pouring down and a long narrow skiff poled by a gaunt skeletal figure wielding a long boat pole. To their horror they realized that this was Charon the fabled boatman of the Styx and looked very angry. With a gesture he stilled the roaring water as he asked the group why they had diverted his river.
     The group tried to blame the Prince of Demons but ultimately they apologized to Charon and he accepted it and then asked them onto his skiff. The group decided this was a good idea as it was time to get away from the Wells before the Prince decided to attend personally. Charon was full of anger with the Prince and told the group that he would help them with their problem and after sailing the Styx for close to a day he deposited the group along side the Sea Wyvern somewhere in the layers of the Abyss. He also gave the group permission to ply the waters of the Styx while they were fighting the Prince. The group was told to speak with the Lord of this layer and it was the fabled sorceress Iggwilv and they would need her assistance to start their plan of attack against the Demon Prince.
     More to come as the group tries diplomacy instead of combat to accomplish their deeds.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Taking a Weekend Off

Well our group will not be gaming over the holiday weekend so I get an extra week of planning on what happens next. In our last session the group had tried to overcome the guardians of the demoness trapped in the well. I managed to kill off one of the PC's with a brutal ease and have damaged some of the others with damage that can't be healed while they are in the Abyss. They finally got past the four armed gorillas and are now attacking the massive construct sitting on top of the well.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Back to Role Playing Again

     Well we have been back to role-playing the last two weeks and the first session was a bit scrambled but we managed to get in one short fight before we ended for the night. The last session was much better with us getting into two fights in the same time period. I must say I am liking the quicker combat with 4th compared to 3.5.

     I am looking forward to the next few sessions as we build into the first adventure of maybe many. I will have to see and I am still debating on whether to keep a log or journal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gaming with 4th Edition

Well we have started a new summer role-playing game with the ending of the Birthright Game that has run for over 15 years.  I convinced the group that if we wanted to continue role-playing then I had 4th Edition ready to run and the group has surprised me in agreeing.
So the first session was the group making up characters and thankfully I have the program for making the PC’s so I had everything printed up for the entire group. They have surprised me with the choices they made with their characters and now we get to start with the group getting into their first fight when we start the next session. They even managed to give me the roll needed at the time so the entire group all started with a minor magic item.
The names of the characters are fairly standard other than our usual player who seems to come up with outlandish names and his name for his human was no exception. I will have to see if I want to continue with my writing as a GM for the sessions I have been running. We will have to see.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summertime Gaming

Well the Birthright game has finally ended its run with one epic battle. The fight lasted just over two minutes of game time but took four game sessions to finally complete. Our group consisted of eight with the late addition of two NPC's to bolster our forces as we went up against the evil Lich and his two remaining minions were waiting for us. We had encountered the warblade before but not the big nasty fighter with a very big weapon who proceeded to butcher us until a failed saving throw brought him down. By the time the fight was over only one character was still standing and he was down to single digits.

This has ended a summer run of over fifteen years that Jeff has GMed and I thank him for that. I know its a pretty big commitment to plan and run a role playing game. Now we have spent a few sessions playing the board game Settlers of Catan and have even hosted Murdock's Marauders for a tabletop skirmish session. It seems the plan for the rest of the summer is for a random game to be played until the main Savage Tide game starts up again. We will see I suppose...

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Savage Tide Season Finale and the return of Birthright

Well we have now completed another season of the Savage Tide with the group on the 73rd layer of the Abyss trying to find the well that contains Ahazu the Seizer. He is the demon lord responsible for keeping all the other prisoners in their wells. The group has found his well hidden by a stone structure and has managed to find where he is hidden and using an item that the group has carried for months to figure out how to get close enough to contact him. But first they have to get by the nasty guardians that are waiting for the group including some Abyssal Ants that are nearly a foot long with mandibles dripping acid. This was the perfect point to end the season with the ants pouring over the lip of the well to attack the group after they had dealt with some nasty Nightwings and the other guardians of the site.

Now we turn our attentions to the Birthright Game and the completion of our long campaign. The group is now about to fight a nasty lich and his minions in the final battle of the game. Either we win or the bad guys win and the game will be over. Then the group will make a decision on what to play next. Maybe even playing 4th Edition for the summer seeing that I have the core books and enough adventures to play for a few summers so we will have to see what comes next. We have to finish Birthright first.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Starting Chapter 10, the Wells of Darkness

Well I have finally got the group back to the World of Greyhawk and now the group is feverishly spending all the gold they have to stock up on magic items. They also have to find a sage who knows about the multiple layers of the Abyss and specifically about the first layer called Pazunia and one of the demons there called the Red Shroud. She resides in a fortified area called Broken Reach and is familiar with the demon they are now looking for. I think most of the remaining sessions for the year will now take place in the Abyss where the group will be severely challenged by having to take everything they need with them.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter Nine Finished

     Well our last session was spent role-playing the next encounters and no dice were rolled. The group decided to check out the remaining area and had to converse with an evil lich who told them what they wanted to know when it found out that the Death Knight was now dead.
     But what they found out made them shiver as they have to find someone on the 1st layer of the Abyss. At least they were given a name and an area to find her but the rest will be up to the group. I gave them another plot twist when they went to leave and I forced them to give up the keys to the prison by trading back a couple of their cohorts that had been kidnapped from the boat. The work now begins for me as I have to get ready for what comes next.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finishing Chapter Nine

Well the group has spent the last three months wandering through the infamous prison of the Prince of Demons and finally managed to encounter the bad guy they were looking for after rescuing their patroness from the clutches of a six armed demon. The fight was rather anti-climactic as the group again managed to gang up on a single opponent and pounded him to paste. Now to see if the group just leaves or takes the time to explore the areas across the bridge to get some information that they will need. The next session will be important to the group as they try to figure out how to stop the Prince of Demons Savage Tide from sweeping through the universe.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gaming on Sunday Nights

Well it has been awhile since I have posted anything here so I thought I should put something up on my blog. The Birthright game ended with our group almost finished the adventure that our summertime GM is running. He has already informed the group that he will be done GMing for now after his adventure is done when we start up Birthright again sometime around the end of April.

So far with the Savage Tide Adventure Path the group has spent the last five months trying to rescue their patroness from the Infernal prison of the Prince of Demons himself. It hasn't helped that half of the group has been slain while in the prison and the party cleric has managed to bring the dead back to life and they have needed everyone. Thankfully the last session saw the group finally finding her and releasing her from her imprisonment. Now they thought all they had to do was leave but she has ordered them to find her tormenter, her dastardly brother who is now a Death Knight. The group has managed to find him moments later but he has over a dozen nasty minions and the group has been blocked in attacking him while they fight Shadow Demons and some very nasty Dread Wraiths.

Thankfully once they can deal with the Death Knight they can head back to their ship hidden in a small cove and hopefully escape. What the group doesn't know is that some demons have found the ship and attacked leaving some of the crew slain and the ship damaged before they were driven off. Now can the group get back to the ship before the demons return with reinforcements and escape with their lives. The next couple of game sessions will tell the tale and I will update later this month (I hope) with what has happened.