Monday, October 26, 2009

When Pirates Attack

Well I managed to finish off the session last night with the group repairing their ship and sailing it back to Far Shore. They arrived just in time to vote in the election for Lord Mayor and managed to get their patron elected Mayor of Far Shore. Then they prepared for the attack to come and were busy working away the next day and were at the harbor when the alert went out that the pirates were on the horizon. Now to see if their planning works.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Playing Politics

Well the group has now spent two weeks in the settlement preparing for the attack to come. Most of the group turned their attention to the upcoming election for Lord Mayor of Far Shore. Seeing as their patron, the Lady Lavinia is in the running, they have decided to sway some votes to her side. There are enough undecided voters that they can get her elected if they can convince enough people to vote for her. Just as things are starting to heat up, they have sailed back around the island to try and repair and float the Sea Wyvern. But when they got there, they found that something else had apparently taken it over. Now the fight is on...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Starting to Upgrade Farshore

Well the group has made it back to the colony and is now helping out in some upgrades before they sail off to repair the Sea Wyvern. I managed to split the party up with the big half-Ogre heading off with his kobold flunky and a pair of the gnomes to investigate some frog-men. Little do they know that they were really Trogs but the four of them still made mincemeat out of the two dozen Trogs and their pet monitor lizards. I ended the session with them being attacked by a half-dozen frog-men who were just passing through. Next week should be interesting to say the least.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Playing With Snakes

Well I had the group manage to get past the huge snake guarding the temple and then they had to play with the flying feathered serpent. Good thing that a couple of the PC's were very diplomatic otherwise it could have gone very badly for the group. But they managed to find the racks of weapons just waiting for someone to find them. Now to get them back to the settlement of Far Shore before its too late. I still have them playing in the jungle and this week it was a shambling mound that almost did them in. Hopefully I can get them back to civilization next session to start planning on the Crimson Fleet Invasion to come soon. More to come...