Thursday, February 13, 2014

Follow the River Styx

Well the group has spent the last few months using their new found ability to sail the Styx in order to gain new allies in and out of the Abyss. They have managed to get the agreement of the Prince of Undead himself, Lord Orcus. Then they managed to find the Eladrin from the Court of Stars and gained their favor after killing a legendary dragon but not before losing two members of the group to the dragon's disintegrate spell. One was returned to the living but the party wizard underwent a transformation when he was returned as a drow elf sorcerer but with the wizard's memories so things have gone strange for the group. Then they managed to get the Queen of Seductions to help also as they continued their journey. Now they have a minor artifact to use in capturing an aspect of a demon lord for further use. Things are rapidly coming to a head with one more part to go until we get to the last chapter.

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