Well last nights game session was rather interesting as a couple of them spent most of the session arguing with me about the actions that happened during the game. It is starting to frustrate me when my bad guys attack the group with a plan of action and the group seems to have to argue about it. They don't seem to realize that when they are attacking an enemy that is just as smart as they are and are able to plan an attack on the group that is coordinated for the most effectiveness in doing damage to the group that I as a GM is obligated to try and do as much as I can to hamper them. That and trying to say that a dinosaur animal companion is supposed to be as smart as the group and able to do things that a dumb animal wouldn't do. I am tempted to just kill off the animals that are with the group to cut down on the bitching and whining.
I guess I will have to see what happens over the next few sessions before I do something drastic. Oh well! More to come with this adventure and it promises to get very interesting over the next few sessions.
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