Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Candle Dragon Inn

Well I see it has been awhile since I have posted anything here so I thought I would write something before the year is out. Our Sunday night game has been forced to change a little bit seeing as my new shift with my new employers has made me work alternating Sundays.
Thankfully the group has agreed to play on Wednesdays on the week I can't play Sundays. This has worked out nicely as we play four days apart and I found it makes it a little easier on me to keep the flow going with two sessions in a week.

The group has managed to find the clues needed to find the lair of the Crimson Fleet, the largest pirate gang on the Azure Sea. The group is now trying to infiltrate the lair but they didn't knock off the guards in one of the first areas and now the pirates have been alerted and are preparing for the group to attack. Things will get ugly in the next few sessions as the big bosses get ready for them. It doesn't help that the strongest warrior in the group has been grabbed by a Bar Igura Demon and it teleported him over a thousand miles away and now the group has to try and find and retrieve him but that may have to wait.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dak-Kon 16Bit

Well another Kon has come and gone and for the first time we have gone to a three day event starting on Friday night. I was surprised at how many people were there to start the con and the Warhammer miniature game that went first thing was awesome. They had taped off a major section of one room in order to play and it took them an hour just to set up the minis.
It was great that players showing up had their choice of games to play as there were RPG's every session along with a variety of board and card games. The RPG tournament was OK as it was Savage Worlds and had 20 players throughout the day Saturday with three GM's to handle the action. The storyline was a little different and darn right confusing at times and I managed to sit in with each GM during the tournament.

I was a little put out that no one wanted to play in the D&D 4th Edition session that I had prepared but I got to play in a Death Watch Sci-Fi session and then played in a 4th Edition session to close out the con. I think that the players there for the whole weekend got very good value for their money and I am curious to see what the committee is planning for next year.
Rumor has it that there may be a venue change as the building we were in has just undergone major renovations and the rental is being raised for next year. I guess I will see when the after con meeting goes ahead and the planning will begin again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another block of sessions done

Well we have just finished off another four sessions of the Savage Tide and now we have to wait four weeks as I start working Sundays again, I left the group in the bowels of the abandoned temple looking for the bad guy to finish off this part of the adventure. They have only the boss and his few loyal minions to kill before having to turn their attentions else where as the plot thickens. The next few sessions will be a challenge for them as Khala is nasty and prepared for the group. Oh Well I will see at the end of February how things go,