Well we finally finished a major encounter with 15 demons inside the ruins that the group has entered and the fight took three game sessions to run and lasted about 30 rounds before the group finally managed to overcome them. They killed off all but one, but that one is a spell caster and it will return to engage them again. I managed to kill off one of the party cohorts but if I had really wanted to, I could have taken out most of the party. The fun thing is that I managed to feeblemind two of the party members including Humphrey the half-ogre and one of the spell casters in the group.
The thing I liked is that I forced the group to cast off most of their high level spells in the encounter and I have a tough demon waiting for them if they try to retreat. So their only safe option is to head deeper into the ruins but that will bring them closer to the head demon and they will have to have most of their spells in order to survive.
The next few sessions before the new year will tell the tale. I wait to see how bold the group will be in pushing further into the ruins.