Well the last few birthright sessions were very enjoyable with our GM sending us across country to find some ancient ruins. This was very entertaining with the enemy in the one site ending up to be undead mind flayers. This was a brutal battle and we barely managed to survive with half the group drained of levels. Then we encountered the major leader of the area appearing and hiring us to investigate another ruins. We were headed there when we were ambushed by a pair of high level druids that proceeded to kick our butts. I managed to take out the boss druid by using up a high level lighting spell along with some fireballs and judicious use of a wand of lightning. It didn't help Lyle or his cohort Leon when they were both killed by the druid.
We were lucky to find a scroll with reincarnation which I then used on Lyle and Leon. Lyle returned as a Khinasi human while Leon's blood power returned him as a lion. So now we no longer have a halfling in the party and the enemy from the Shadow world is no longer after us. It will make for an interesting start up when we play again in Spring 08.
The Savage Tide Game started up with a twist as one of the rogues was trapped inside the Taxidermists shop while the others waited around for him to reappear. He finally did so and then the group was set upon by some rogues who led them into a courtyard with a well. Humphrey the Half-Ogre used one of the gnomes as a missile when he spotted one of the humans watching him with interesting results. He killed the human and almost killed the gnome in the process. Then they watched one of the others dive into the well to get away from them. the group checked out the well with one of the rogues climbing down to take a closer look.
He made the mistake of grabbing the rope while one of the gnomes was winching it up. Unfortunately he didn't realize that it was a gnome holding the handle and went for a splash into the underground pool to end the session realizing that a very large crocodile was also in the area and moving in to investigate. The next session looks promising.